Victoria & Albert Museum.
Rooms 26 and 27 feature a selection of religious sculpture from Germany, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain and England, dating from around 1300 to 1600. The V&A’s collection is particularly rich in religious sculpture from this period, as can also be seen in the Medieval and Renaissance Galleries.
Religious imagery was found everywhere in medieval Europe, in cathedrals, parish churches and monasteries, but also at home and in the street. Sculptures were designed specifically to have a three-dimensional, life-like appearance to evoke the presence of Christ, the Virgin and the saints in everyday life.
Rooms 26 and 27 feature a selection of religious sculpture from Germany, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain and England, dating from around 1300 to 1600. The V&A’s collection is particularly rich in religious sculpture from this period, as can also be seen in the Medieval and Renaissance Galleries.
Religious imagery was found everywhere in medieval Europe, in cathedrals, parish churches and monasteries, but also at home and in the street. Sculptures were designed specifically to have a three-dimensional, life-like appearance to evoke the presence of Christ, the Virgin and the saints in everyday life.
The sculptures are accompanied by vivid German stained glass panels of the early 16th century showing scenes from the life of Christ as well as charming donor portraits. Stained glass often had a complementary role to sculpture in ecclesiastical settings. It offered a wider canvas for the familiar biblical stories, with extended narratives, bright colours and carefully observed contemporary detail.